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Pesticide testing

Aug 9, 2021

Food safety controls on pesticide residues concern a wide range of fruit and vegetable growers, food producers and importers and the parameters are systematically monitored by regulatory authorities.

Experts agree that even the smallest detectable amount of these substances negatively affects the health of consumers.

The effects of the use of synthetic pesticides for treatment of agricultural crops appeared already in the seventies of the last century impacting upon environment and human health. It has been found that many of these compounds are toxic, persistent and have the potential to accumulate in food chain.


Many years of research have resulted in the introduction of a single binding approach in agriculture, the Integrated Pest Management. Since 2014, the European Union has obliged all farmers in the EU to follow the concept of Integrated Pest Management in the crop protection.


Pesticides are defined in the Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as amended, on maximum residue levels of pesticides (MRLs) in food and feed of plant and animal origin.

ALS has been performing pesticide residue analysis for over 30 years. Our expertise in the field enables us to offer you fast, accurate and reliable analyses in food and feed matrices.

  • Multi-residue testing covering more than 550 pesticides compounds
  • State of the art analysis using GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS chromatography techniques
  • Accredited methods and regular participation in FAPAS interlaboratory proficiency tests.
  • Quantification limits set to meet the limits of the European pesticides database based on the EU legislative requirements.
  • Pesticide residue packages meeting the needs of food and feed producers including the maximum residue levels (MRL's).

We offer pesticides residue analysis on:

  • Fruit & Vegetables
  • Baby & Infant formula
  • Nutraceuticals
  • Cereals
  • Milk and Dairy products
  • Herbs, Spices, Tea and Coffee
  • Finished products
  • Fish
  • Feeding stuffs

Most frequently analysed pesticide groups:

  • Herbicides
  • Fungicides
  • Insecticides
  • Nematicides
  • Rodenticides

Pesticide Testing leaflet to download